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« I'm Getting Severance Pay - Will That Reduce My Social Security Benefit? | Main | A Double Double Dip: Can a Married Couple Both Collect Social Security Based on Each Other's Earnings at The Same Time? »



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I just started collecting unemployment from my job and I was told that when I reach 60 I can collect a widower's pension from my wife's passing. Will I still be entitled to my unemployment check?

Lynn replies:

Yes, you will. The state off-set rules I've described above apply to your own Social Security benefit, but not to survivor's benefits. You should have no problem!

I have been receiving unemployment insurance for the past six months. I'm considering applying for my ex-husband's Social Security survivor's benefits. (We were married for 21 years, so I qualify) I'm 63 years old and could use the money to offset my unemployment until I find another job in my field. Will I still be entitled to my unemployment?

Lynn replies:

Yes. See my answer above: The state laws that reduce your unemployment insurance if you collect Social Security do not apply to survivors' Social Security benefits - only to those based on your own work record.

In NY State , can you receive Social Security and full unemployment benefits at the same time?

I live in Illinois and am collecting Social Security benefits. I am still employed part time but my job is being eliminated in a month. I am under the impression that Illinois is only one of a handful of states that offsets Unemployment Insurance due to Social Security. Is that the case? I am 75 years old and work because the SS is not sufficient for me to live on. Do I have any recourse?

i am receiving unemployment insurance benefits in colorado. i am 62 and want to apply for early social security benefits (i need the money to live, until i find another job). will there be any offset to my benefits. i realize that you said colorado had no offset (as of 2010). is the law still in effect or is there now an offset (as of feb 2012)? thanks for your help

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